Saturday, 11 February 2017

Subtle Sexism In Patriarchial Societies- Identify it and stop it!

Sexism is a word most people avoid, it is common knowledge in today’s world that sexism is not something one should indulge in but it continues to exist in a nuanced form and packaged form even today. Subtle sexism still exists in ever nook and cranny of the society, it finds it’s way into our conversations and the content we produce and propagate. Most of the times it goes unnoticed, sexism and discrimination is rooted very deeply in our heads since we were kids.

Picture Courtesy:Google

We see a lot of popular comedians taking up the issue of sexism and making jokes about it. Most memes on the internet too are centred around women and feminism. These jokes look harmless but contribute to the woman-hating culture of violence. Most commonly, go-make-a-sandwich jokes and jokes against women drivers are considered perfectly normal and common however, they are very sexist in nature and establish the fact that both men and women are only meant for certain specific activities. Moral policing of women in temples, colleges and workplaces is also fairly common and the fact that there are lesser rules for men is disturbing and discriminatory. Hostels rules and curfews also only seem to be applicable to female students. The recent VIT hostel rules asking girls only to wear sleeved clothes and Indian formal wear are preposterous and unfair, the fact that the hostel wardens are making these decisions on their own accord and enforcing them is worse. In another recent article, the principal of Mumbai-based Government Polytechnic college, claimed that PCOD and a reduced desire to have babies may be caused by women thinking like men and wearing pants. These comments only come up because we allow the propagation and normalisation of sexism in the society without even realising it.

Picture Courtesy: Google

Women also face a lot of sexism at their workplace. Workplaces usually have a very strict dress code in place. Women are also mostly assigned administrative duties inspite of being in high posts. Bosses too sometimes end up asking their female subordinates to fetch coffee and do these tasks because of set gender criteria in their head. Moreover, in a bid to keep themselves safe, women end up losing out on opportunities which may involve late night shifts.

Picture Courtesy: Google

Most of these criterions and do’s and don’ts find their way into a child’s life right from the beginning. Boy’s rooms and items are supposed to be blue in colour and girls are supposed to have pink rooms and clothes. Boys are expected to be violent and tough, boys are not supposed to play with girly things, girls are expected to be more interested in playing with dolls and learn how to cook so that it helps them in the future. Girls end up looking at these dolls as the ideal woman hereby buying into society’s standards for women which build their insecurities and make them believe they are not good enough. Moreover, girls are always asked not to use crass language as that doesn't suit them. Girls are asked to sit properly because sitting with their legs parted is manly and invites trouble. When they start seeing people, girls are told that if a guy is being mean to them, he likes her. When this seed is sown in their heads, they end up staying in abusive relationships where they are not respected. Most expletive too insinuate women and are directed towards one's mother or sister.

This discrimination and sexism is not just limited to women and hurts men as well. Boys are expected to be masculine and tough. Boys are expected to hide their feelings and emotions, if they cry they are weak because that’s what girls do. Effeminate men are labelled as homosexuals or transsexuals. Moreover, men who wish to pursue professions that were traditionally segregated and performed by women are discouraged and are asked to do something manly.

Picture Courtesy: Google

Sexism is also subtly promoted by pop culture - mainly films, TV shows, books and art works. Art should promote feminism instead of reinforcing sexism and gender disparity. Bollywood especially needs to eliminate the justification of stalking culture and eliminate it in their films and songs. Marketing companies too feed on people’s insecurities in order to market their products and services. Girls and boys are made to feel like they are not good enough externally and need particular products to be better. Advertisements too heavily objectify women.

We see how sexism is something which troubles both men and women hence we should work hard and weed every bit of sexism and discrimination out of our system and society. People need to collectively work on this and understand that doing away with sexism only makes way for a fairer and a better society. If people are happy, the country would also do well economically. Due to it’s deep rooted existence, men and women need to continuously fight this phenomenon at various grounds. We need to mobilise ourselves and stop this in order to make this world a better place. We must learn to identify and call out this subtle sexism and put a stop to it.

Content Writer: Anuckriti Garg 

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