Saturday, 11 February 2017


Working women are often faced with a lot of prejudice and unequal treatment in the workplace. There are numerous barriers to gender equity in most organizations all over the world. Myths are often created about women in the workplace, their critical skills and their priorities. Women are often judged for choosing their ambition and career over more traditional choices like living a domestic life or managing the family. Here are some myths about working women.
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1.    Women prioritize family and marriage before their jobs which require total commitment.

a.    Women that manage families often have two jobs, that of a homemaker as well as a career woman. This is often used as an excuse to not hire women or to not give promotions as they believe managing a family hampers the work life and output that women produce in office. This myth is not true for the women who are career oriented and prioritize their careers as well as the fact that many women can give close to equal effort and attention to both their homes and their work and it should not be a reason to increase gender inequity.

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2.    Career women will become old maids

a.    There is a fear that has been perpetuated by society for generations that says that women who postpone their marriage to focus on their careers will end up old and alone. In the United States an article in 1986 asserted that a woman who hit the age of 40 without marrying has a better chance of being killed by a terrorist than by having a wedding. This was proven wrong as by 2012, more than 93% of those women were married according to the U.S. Census.

3.    No girls allowed, business is for boys

a.    There is an enforced stereotype in society that associates men as businessmen and women staying at home. The CEO is Palo Alto stated in an article once about having to deal with male colleagues who feel pride in not leaving their kids with a nanny unlike some of their female colleagues without realizing the sacrifice women, especially their wives are making in their careers just so they can feel that way. The bigger picture in that story was that the men accepted her in the meeting as “one of the boys” and did not discriminate her on her work basis which means that they myth is debunked.

Picture Courtesy: Google

4.    Working women neglect their families

a.    Many believe that women who work can’t possibly be good mothers or spouses as they cannot effectively contribute the same amount of effort and energy into both jobs. Its propagating the concept of “women can’t have it all” but women have repeatedly over generations and generations debunked that myth and proven that being ambitious and having a career has not been a barrier in being a good parent or a family member and it increases the overall lifestyle of the family if there is more than one parent earning.

5.    Women are bad at math

a.    There is a belief about men being more analytical and mathematically advanced than women while women are better in linguistic and written tasks. This myth is surrounded by the fact that women cannot do as work in business or finance and statistics as men can. There is a surfeit of women who have proven that this myth is false including Danika McKeller who was in the famous Wonder Years. She graduated summa cum laude from UCLA and moved to write math books like “Math doesn’t suck” and became an accomplished mathematician.
Picture Courtesy: Google

6.    Women can’t be leaders like men

a.    Research shows that the concept of merit is very subjective as well as prone to a lot of bias from different areas. Statistically it has been proven that women tend to show stronger leadership skills on all fronts. Men tend to rate the performance of other men highly. 45% of mid-level women in Asia felt that rising to a senior management position is very important to them. People usually perceive women who are in leadership positions as bossy and aggressive while men are looked up to as being assertive and confident.

7.    Women are too emotional

a.    The office is known as a place where formality is key, means maintaining boundaries at all times and being calm and composed is crucial to being successful. Women are looked at as being emotional and vulnerable creatures that will most likely let their emotions make a lot of decisions instead of thinking about situations logically which will hamper progress of the firm in totality. There is also the bias that women are sensitive and thus they will be affected easily in adversity and won’t know how to handle tough situations. This myth has been proven to be wrong as most women know how to act appropriately at work and sensitivity is subject to different personality and should not be associated to one gender.

Content Writer: Aanchal Thakur

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