Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Draw Some Inspiration

Inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something. Ideally, this stimulation can be recieved from anyone- or anything. It may be an incident that you witnessed, something your parents said to you or even something as insignificant as a tree in the midst of shrubs.

Personally, inspiration comes from something that I have witnessed or seen.

Every woman I see in the locals who goes to work everyday inspires me.
Every man who works for women/LGBTQ rights inspires me.
Every little girl who studies everyday so that she can make her parents proud inspires me.
Every person who takes an initiative to learn inspires me.
Every girl who is living an independent life inspires me.
Every person who makes their own choices inspires me.

But, out of everything, there is no sight more inspiring than that of a person embracing themselves, all their beauty and all of their faults too.

Beauty, as quoted in BBC Sherlock, is "a construct based entirely on childhood impressions, influences and role models". Beauty comes from within and I, for one, truly believe that it only comes with acceptance.

The world would be a better place for all of us if we could accept ourself as "normal" before we even try pointing at who is "abnormal"- Because normality is a very relative term. Eating grasshoppers and roaches is normal is South Asia, but is it so in India?

Everyone feels like they don't belong, at one point of time. You are not alone. Self-acceptance will get you halfway down the road. Almost none of cross the other half anyway, so don't worry. We're all sailing in the same boat, in the end.

Also, didn't most of us turn out fine despite all the setbacks? Ofcourse we did.

- Shambhavi Kamat

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